Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Day 3

[Posted by Neil]

In contrast to yesterday, today was 38km of mostly flat running (which I hate at the best of times), much on soft sand, in searing heat. The first 18km (apart from the decomposing camel) were fine, the next 10 less so as I ran out of carbs. The last 10 were some of the hardest I've ever done and I was a gibbering wreck by the end. It's clear that I have much to learn about sports nutrition; thanks to Tobias Mews (top Brit two years ago) for sorting me out after the finish.

*Huge* thanks for all your messages. We'll try to answer Qs but only have 1000 characters per day and queues are huge (JPD won't blog today). Justin - food-wise, we've all made mistakes, like Simon discovering that Peronin won't pass through a straw!

After someone used the phrase "grin and bear it" at breakfast, today's stuck-in-head music was 'Badhead' by Blur. Tomorrow's, I suspect, will be The Killers with 'Losing Touch'.

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